Joe's Place Blog

11 Jul 2014

A life coach for fitness!

exercisegeneral_July8_A When you’re focusing on health and fitness and leading a more balanced lifestyle, what becomes clear is that you need to have a plan in place if you want to achieve any real change. As with every aspect of life, realizing dreams takes more than imagination and improvements and transformations come with setting goals and putting in place techniques to reach these ambitions. When it comes to being healthy you need a life coach for fitness!

It is easy to keep wanting to bring change into your life but somehow not getting round to taking the necessary steps to achieving your what you keep telling yourself you want. How often do you hear people say, or maybe yourself, that they would love to be thinner, healthier and fit? What are the obstacles in the way? Why do so many people not get past this initial ‘want’?

What is needed are some practical steps which coach you towards achieving the healthy lifestyle you desire. What you need is a pen and paper or notebook, as it is essential to write down your ideas.

What is your dream lifestyle? Don’t just focus on health and fitness but let your imagination run wild with how you would like to live your life if you had no obstacles in the way.
What are your top 10 lifestyle goals? Next, focus on what you really would like to achieve in terms of how you live your life. You might want to be fit enough to go hiking with your kids or to be in shape enough to go out and enjoy dancing at the weekend.
Write down what is stopping you achieving each of these goals. You might find that you are repeating yourself here. You might find that time, financial limitations and even yourself are limiting factors in moving forward.
What could you do NOW to achieve each of these goals? Write down at least one action you could implement for individual goals which would go some way towards making them a reality. You might decide that in order to go hiking with your kids that you will kit yourself out with the right footwear and find more time to spend with the family during the weekends.
What lifestyle habits do you need to change to achieve each of these goals? An unhealthy diet, not enough exercise or spending free time watching television, might be habits you want to change. What else is having a detrimental effect?
How would you feel if you achieved your lifestyle goals? Imagine how you would feel if you had obtained your goals. Would you feel light in your whole being and contented? Would you feel more confident and more outgoing?
Experience how this feels as if you are already ‘there’. Bring this future feeling into the present moment. Own it as if you are already in this position. By experiencing the achievement of your goals right now you can feel inspired to make them truly a part of your life.
What does living a fit and healthy life feel like? Focus now on the health and fitness aspects of your lifestyle. Write down a list of words to describe how the ‘new you’ feels. Do you feel amazing, transformed and energized?
What other aspects of your life would benefit and how? If you were living a healthier lifestyle how would this impact other areas of your life, such as your relationships, your family life and your work? What changes would you feel motivated to make? Write down what you feel.
Set a timeline for creating change. Goals flounder without an action plan, so create a written-down strategy with steps to take and a schedule for when you are going to make specific changes.

Let us be your health and fitness coach too!

Published with permission from FitnessAdvisory. Source.