Joe's Place Blog

24 Aug 2013

Getting started with TRX!

2013August24_TRX_ATRX allows you to move different muscles at the same time, in positions and ways that you might find challenging in a traditional workout. By utilizing your body weight and gravity rather than weights, you are in ultimate control of the intensity of each exercise. TRX is amazing and the genius of it lies in the complexity of its accessible simplicity. However,as with any new technique, if you are new to suspension training then you might need a few tips to get you started.

Total body conditioning that gives you a full cardiovascular workout to build core strength and stamina. TRX is a style of high intensity interval training whereby you can really build up your reps and sets, while monitoring and adjusting the difficulty level, simply using your own body. However, it can look somewhat confusing to begin with, so it’s important to follow some useful guidelines:

  • Start with what you know: Because TRX uses straps that hang down you really can get yourself in all sorts of positions. This style of resistance training can be really creative and as you gain confidence and competence then you can really experience the full effects of three dimensional exercises. To start with it would be a good idea to stick to what you know, such as squats, push-ups or bicep curls in order to avoid injury.

  • Stay aligned: TRX is about balance and stability, as well as strength and resistance. To get the maximum effect you need to make sure your body is centered. Keep your chest over the anchor point line and make sure there’s just the right amount of tension in the straps to keep you steady, but don’t grip too strongly. The adjustment lines also need to be aligned too. If you’re unsure of how your body should be looking and feeling then it’s best to get focused advice before you risk injury.

  • Move your feet: The angle of your body alters the intensity of each movement in TRX. When you begin, keep you feet near to your body to make exercises less challenging and make sure you move these out to change the incline and the challenge of the exercise as you progress.

  • Listen to your body: It is age-old exercise advice but while TRX is accessible to all fitness levels the only efficient way to work out is to respond to what your body is telling you. That, and getting advice from a TRX expert who can work out a good routine for you. While you might relish training alone, getting the right help at the start is smart.

  • Wear the right kit: You don’t need to be a dedicated follower of fitness fashion to benefit from TRX but you do need to dress appropriately. Tighter fitting training clothes are better as the hanging and angles created by TRX can leave loose garments gaping and possibly revealing more than you intend. Tennis shoes so your feet don’t slip and are comfortable in the straps are a must. You may also want a towel at hand as TRX is a real cardio workout.

  • Dynamic warm-up: If you haven’t heard by now, static stretching is not as effective as a dynamic pre-workout stretch. Before you even jump into TRX give yourself a good 10 minutes or so to get your body ready so that you reduce the risk of injury and are able to get the most out of the exercises to follow.

TRX is a powerful exercise for athletes but can be adapted to suit all, and is often used as a rehabilitative tool. Look out for Part 2 where we offer some more TRX start-up tips to get you going. The biggest tip to getting started though is to try TRX out and learn what it can do for you as you go along. Get in touch!

Published with permission from FitnessAdvisory. Source.