Joe's Place Blog

27 Oct 2013

How resistance training works!

2013October27_TRX_ATRX is the ultimate total body workout which utilizes the idea of resistance training. Cables that are suspended are used to get into a position that utilizes gravity and body weight to challenge the body and really work you to your core. By altering this position you are able to change the level of difficulty too. TRX allows for variations on a theme with classic exercises such as lunges given a new dimension or an added twist. So, how does resistance training actually work?

Natural reaction to resistance

When your body meets with resistance it will use muscles to overcome this force if needs be. By training in this way you are also training this natural reaction to resistance and building muscle strength. A form of strength training, TRX is not necessarily about bulk but creating a stronger body that can bring about many health and fitness benefits.

Catabolism and anabolism

Resistance training has an impact on muscle cells which are broken down during a workout and regenerated. These repaired and regrown muscle fibers are stronger and it is important, as with any exercise program, that you work at the right level and allow for ample recovery time when this strength work really happens.

Functional training

Strength in your muscles is the cornerstone of what resistance training is about and this is essential when it comes to the most basic tasks in life. If you want to continue to function and combat the loss of muscle mass and strength as you age then some strength training is essential to help you carry out daily activities without any difficulty.

Range of motion

Resistance training allows for progressive workouts that take you through a full range of motion and this increases mobility, as well as strength too. TRX can help achieve the correct movement and range of motion, which leads to greater flexibility and functional movement, as well as protects you against injuries.

Proteins and good cholesterol

Resistance training stimulates the whole body through engaging the muscles in overcoming a force. Proteins are produced as a result which come to the aid of the muscles, thus further helping the body’s endurance. Good cholesterol is also produced which has a positive impact on cardiovascular health.

Better burn rate

As muscle fibers grow stronger, muscle mass changes and this means that you need more energy to work your muscles. Stronger muscles are better at burning up calories by reducing body fat and speeding up metabolic rate, and this in turn leads to weight loss and a leaner look altogether. Again, it is the workout followed by quality rest that has to go hand-in-hand, or hand-in-TRX cable, for this to work effectively.

Resistance training is a form of strength training and one reason it is so effective is that it is easy to control how hard you work your body, using your own body weight as the resistance. It is also a user-friendly workout, in that it is accessible to all fitness levels, creating anything from a beginner’s guide to strength training, to a serious workout for pro-athletes.

Published with permission from FitnessAdvisory. Source.