Joe's Place Blog

11 Jan 2013

Powerful plus points of Pilates

2013Jan09_Pilates_AMillions of people can’t be wrong. The power of Pilates and its philosophy of controlled movement developing core strength and stability is a powerhouse in the fitness world. There is something about Pilates which means that the total results somehow seem greater than the sum of its parts. Using a balanced center and concentrated coordination and control, as well as breathing techniques, a flow of movements from the core and precision, Pilates is a dynamic exercise force to be reckoned with.

If you’ve never tried Pilates there’s no doubt you’ve spoken to somebody who has. It’s equally likely that they would have raved about it, extolling its virtues and effectiveness as a total body conditioning workout. So what are the powerful plus points of Pilates?

  • All encompassing fitness – Like yoga, the list of benefits from Pilates relates to every part of your body – it’s a truly holistic exercise.
  • Mind and body connection – The man behind Pilates aimed to strengthen not just the body but the mind. Body awareness and seeing every part of a person as interrelated is the cornerstone of Pilates practice.
  • Beginners welcome – Pilates was originally developed as mat work and for this you need no experience whatsoever. You will need an introduction in how to use some specialized Pilates equipment, such as the Reformer, which looks like slightly strange medieval gym equipment.
  • Core strengthening – One of the principles of Pilates is centering and this follows the idea that movement and energy come from what is often referred to as the body’s powerhouse, which are the core muscles – the abdomen, hips and buttocks. Building strength and stamina in these areas is the key to Pilates practice.
  • Resistance training – Handheld fitness props such as weighted bands and foam rollers create resistance on the mat. Contraptions like the Reformer use springs that are stretched to increase resistance, so that routines can be really varied to suit all fitness levels with varying degrees of physical challenge.
  • Functionality – Movements in everyday life are improved by regular Pilates practice, which adds real power. The integration and flow of routines, with multi-plane exercises, which are shaped by an integrated Pilates practice which is emphasizes the value of correct movements.
  • Body shaping – Some exercises tone, help you lose weight, or improve your fitness levels. Pilates is renowned for having a transformative effect on the physique, leading to the toned muscles of the so-called Pilates body.
  • Long, lean and lighter legs – Pilates really works the legs and lengthens the muscles and takes away extra bulk, giving you a lighter and more flexible feel.
  • Alignment – Pilates is about training the body to understand natural movement. The exercises are stabilizing, working with the body rather than pushing against it. With balance and center being at the core of the practice, along with precision, Pilates can help with alignment issues, as well as alleviate back pain and support good posture.

If you’ve heard of Pilates but not yet experienced its power then you might enjoy plugging into a full body workout that aims to transform your body, mind and life.

Published with permission from FitnessAdvisory. Source.