What to expect from TRX?
Have you seen those straps and handles hanging from the roof in the gym with what look like circus performers using them to workout? This is TRX suspension training and far from clowning around, fans take their fitness seriously, believing this Navy SEAL created exercise program is the route to a stronger core and fitter body. Rather than hanging around wondering what TRX could do for you, it might be time to find out what to expect from this intense exercise style.
From the outside, TRX exercises can look a little intimidating or even confusing, but actually the core principles and exercise designs are straightforward and accessible to all. However, while TRX might be suitable for a wide range of fitness levels, that’s not to say it is by any means an exercise regime for the half-hearted. TRX was used for years by the military for servicemen and it’s certainly no walk in the park. If you want to bring on the challenge of working your body to the max then TRX is ideal. Before you start get a grip on what TRX is about first:
Being in control
If you want to up the ante with TRX then you simply shift your position. The way that the adjustable straps work is to allow for different angles so that you are changing the level of resistance brought about by your own body weight. This means that while you might see someone next to you really toughing it out you don’t have to. TRX is about you pulling the strings, quite literally!
Develop strength, muscular endurance & balance
TRX can definitely work up a sweat. It’s difficult to imagine an exercise program developed by a Navy SEAL not making you toil just a little! However, this is not a cardio burn and TRX is about really building your core strength so that you can increase muscular endurance, stability and balance.
Exercises you know with added extras
While the positions might look different they are not so far removed from the norm that you won’t recognize them. TRX exercises include classics such as squats, the plank and lunges, with an added twist. You don’t need to worry that each exercise will be beyond remembering or attempting. TRX is a variation on a theme, delivering a totally new workout while also incorporating principles of some old favorites.
Total body workout
The main difference to expect with TRX is that each and every exercise uses your whole body. Exercises which traditionally target one area are transformed into moves that use every muscle and get right to the core. Expect to feel the difference. Don’t rush through exercises and listen to your body.
Shaking and wobbling
TRX focuses on stability and strength to create balance, so expect that in your quest for alignment you might wobble a bit along the way. When people first try TRX they sometimes shake but this is as expected and is an indicator that you need to really teach the body about balance and put each muscle to work. Don’t be put off by this shaky start. Even if you can’t imagine doing any of the exercises without wavering, rest assured that with practice you will.
Give yourself time
TRX has been around for many decades but only really in the fitness world a relatively short time. That means that there are lots of beginners and it is not about competing with others. You need to give yourself the space to learn each exercise and also to respond to your body. TRX might be effective and dynamic but don’t rush yourself when it comes to really learning the ropes.
If you are interested in trying TRX yourself, contact us today!